
Pi-hole FTL v5.20.1, Web v5.18.1 and Core v5.15 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. (A new tag for docker image will arrive in due course.) Notable Changes in this release As mentioned in the last release, we have some fairly large changes for the core repository in this release. As a reminder: Native systemd service We have…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.20 and Web v5.18 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. (A new tag for docker image will arrive in due course.) Pi-hole FTL changes: This release finally ships the remaining bits of the latest dnsmasq release and updates the help text of FTL. We also update the embedded LUA engine and increase the…
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Upcoming changes: authentication for more API endpoints required

In a future release we will introduce some changes to the web interface API. This change will only affect you if your Pi-hole web interface is password protected AND you query the API endpoints directly (via http://pi.hole/admin/api.php?…), for example via a script or a third-party app. If you are only using the normal dashboard, this…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.19.1, Web v5.17 and Core v5.14.1 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. (A new tag for docker image will arrive in due course.) Highlights We update the embedded dnsmasq to the next tagged version of dnsmasq. Highlights compared to the most recent version of dnsmasq (v2.87) released in FTL v5.18 are: Allow domain names as…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.18.2, Web v5.16 and Core v5.13 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. (A new tag for docker image will arrive in due course.) Pi-hole FTL changes: What’s Changed Do not create FTL.port file anymore by @yubiuser in #1445 Update embedded dnsmasq to v2.87 by @DL6ER in #1449 Fix audit log by @DL6ER in #1450 Fix printed error message when binding fails by @DL6ER in #1452 Full Changelog: v5.18.1…v5.18.2 Pi-hole Web…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.18.1, Web v5.15.1 and Core v5.12.2 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. (A new tag for docker image will arrive in due course.) Pi-hole FTL changes: What’s Changed Only log disk space warning when usage increased by @yubiuser in #1437 Fix handling of dnssec-retry queries. by @DL6ER in #1438 Full Changelog: v5.18…v5.18.1 Pi-hole Web changes: What’s Changed Fix glitch of password manager…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.18, Web v5.15 and Core v5.12.1 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. (A new tag for docker image will arrive in due course.) Pi-hole FTL changes: What’s Changed Improve deep CNAME inspection by @DL6ER in #1425 Add warning about inaccessible adlists to message table (Pi-hole diagnosis) by @yubiuser in #1415 Update embedded dnsmasq to v2.87rc1 by @DL6ER in #1429 Store domainlist IDs for blocked/permitted…
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PSA: Dropping Support for Ubuntu 18.04

We hate to have to do this so suddenly, but due to the changes made to the FTL build containers, and issues reported to us on Discourse we will need to drop support for Ubuntu 18.04 going forward. While Ubuntu 18.04 is still LTS, there are still two further releases (20.04 , and 22.04), so…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.17, Web v5.14 and Core v5.12 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. (A new tag for docker image will arrive in due course.) Please see our previous post for some highlights of this release Pi-hole FTL changes: What’s Changed Fix status of blocked special domains when they are in FTL’s DNS cache by @DL6ER in #1383 Revert “Remove…
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Upcoming Pi-hole changes

We are fast approaching another release (soon™), and we’ve been very busy since the last one. There are a number of smaller changes, but we thought it would be nice to share some of the bigger/more important changes ahead of time, so that they are not missed in amongst the release notes. Saying Goodbye to…
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