Pi-hole Core 2.6.3 Released
Check out out 2.7 / 1.3 released today! 2016-06-11 A small release to fix a few and improve a few things:
Check out out 2.7 / 1.3 released today! 2016-06-11 A small release to fix a few and improve a few things:
Revamp We are fast approaching the limitations of using bash to control Pi-hole, so we are going to try to re-code the project in Python. As we have been discussing how to implement new features and fixes, we keep coming back to the need to revamp the code. If it works, switching to Python will…
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When I first started Pi-hole over two years ago, I never expected it to become such a big project. I just want to say thanks to all our users and to everyone who has contributed to the project; it’s satisfying to see how open source works.