
Huge Update To List Of Ad-serving Domains

The mahakala list had a huge update and actually makes the Pi-hole run very slow. There is a workaround, and a hopeful fix somewhere down the line. If you like the P-hole and want to help, you can donate using the buttons below. Donate Bitcoins

A Web Interface For The Pi-Hole

The command line is great, but wouldn’t it be nice to use a Web browser to update or change settings? Someone is working on this and the hope is to integrate it with the Pi-hole.

More Domains And Better Performance

There are many improvements happening to the Pi-hole including a larger list of ad-server domains and better performance. Check it out.

Optimizations and Other Pull Requests

Since the article on Lifehacker, there have been a lot of pull requests and suggestions for improvements. There are some great ideas and I want to implement them all. Since I only blog in my free time, it may take a bit, but I am definitely going to work on it.