
Understanding DNSSEC validation using Pi-hole’s Query Log

The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is an Internet standard that adds security mechanisms to the Domain Name System (DNS). It ensures both the authenticity and integrity of the DNS data. From FTL v5.9 on, Pi-hole shows and analyzes the internally generated DNSSEC queries needed to build the chain-to-trust. This feature is enabled by…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.11, Web v5.8 and Core v5.6 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. (A new tag for docker image will arrive shortly.) Pi-hole FTL changes: Prevent race collisions when parsing FTL config file #1222 Fix incorrect response times for complex CNAMEs #1213 Improve CI tests #1212 Ensure compatibility with alpine 3.13+ #1210 Support dynamic linking as fallback #1204 (thanks @pemensik) Add PIHOLE_PTR=HOSTNAMEFQDN option #1202 Tweak rate-limiting #1199…
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Pi-hole and OPNsense

Using OPNsense DHCP with Pi-hole network ad-blocking NOTE: This guide is likely outdated and based on an older OPNsense version. The ideas and concepts may still work but the actual implementation may/will not. One of the lesser known features of Pi-hole is the ability to see MAC and IP addresses from external servers. This feature…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.10.1, Web v5.7 and Core v5.5 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. A new tag for docker image will arrive shortly. Highlights Changes in the embedded dnsmasq-v2.87rc1: Fix crash if combining server=/domain/# is combined with address=/domain/ reported by Pi-hole) Add all defined RR types to the table of type names used for query logging (Pi-hole…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.9, Web v5.6 and Core v5.4 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. After a successful beta round, we are excited to announce that the next version(s) of Pi-hole are now available in the main branches! A great big “Thank You” to all those who not only tested the beta, but actively reported back with any…
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[Hotfix] Pi-hole Web v5.5.1 released

Just a quick note to say we have pushed out a small bugfix release for the web component to address a couple of security issues reported to us. As ever, read the release notes before updating. GHSA-g3w6-q4fg-p8x8 – “Stored XSS Vulnerability in the Pi-hole Webinterface” reported by both Dariusz Gońda and @awareseven GHSA-5cm9-6p3m-v259 – “(Authenticated)…
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Join us beta-testing Pi-hole FTL v5.9, Web v5.6 and Core v5.4

As always, please read through the changelog before updating to the beta versions. Read first: Please do not run this if you are not comfortable with digging into any issues that may arise. That said, we would like to have some support in making sure we have every imaginable configuration covered before release. Pi-hole can…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.8.1 Hotfix release

We have just pushed a hotfix release for FTL which should hopefully resolve some database issues that we have been seeing reported. If you have been affected by issues with the database (not everyone has), the general advice is to mv the database ( to a .bak if you’d like, else just rm it, and…
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Pi-hole FTL v5.8, Web v5.5 and Core v5.3 released

As always, please read through the changelog before updating with pihole -up. Highlights More details for your adlists The web dashboard does now provide health-status and statistics about downloaded and processed adlists. You can see when they were last downloaded, when they were last changed and it they work at all or contain invalid domains.…
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Help us test FTL v5.8 / dnsmasq v2.85

Pi-hole embeds the DNS server dnsmasq, which is currently in release-candidate state for version 2.85. Please join us in the final testing of this version of dnsmasq, to help us ensure there are no major bugs before the final release. You may be receiving a few updates on this branch. To get the release candidate…
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