
The Pi-hole Ad-blocker Visualized As A Real Black Hole

I’m a big fan of visualizing data, so I was exited to heard about Codeology, which displays what Pi-hole’s code might look like. It looks like an ominous, yet subtle black hole, which is exactly what the Pi-hole is (a black hole for Internet ads). Visualy, the Pi-hole repo isn’t as impressive as some, but…
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Pi-hole 2.5.2 Released With More Ad Blocking Power And Bug Fixes

The Pi-hole has been growing steadily (we even have our own subreddit now). If you need help with your setup, please make a post there or on our Github issues page or send us a tweet @The_Pi_Hole. Also, if you have done something fun with the Pi-hole, we would love to hear about it and…
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Block More Ads: IPv6 Support With Pi-hole

Since starting the Pi-hole two years ago, more and more sites have been delivering ads over IPv6. The Pi-hole now blocks ads on IPv4 and IPv6. This should immediately improve the effectiveness of the Pi-hole.

New Dialog-based Installer

In addition to the new, easier-to-remember installation command (curl -L | bash), the installer has been completely revamped with dialog windows that guide you through the entire setup. You no longer need to set up a static IP before running the script.

Install The Web Interface On An Existing Pi-hole

Update 24/04/16 : Please note this guide is now out-dated, and it is recommended that you use the automated install to install and update pi-hole. If you used the automated install to set up your ad-blocking Pi-hole, it does not install the Web interface (yet) by default. With a few terminal commands, you can quickly…
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Pi-hole 2.0 Flat Web Interface

Using AdminLTE as a starting point, I am working on creating a nice-looking Web interface for managing the Pi-hole (not that there is a whole lot you need to do. But you might want to log in and view some stats or update the lists.

A New Pi-hole. Seeking Out New Ads And New Circumventions

Pi-hole 2.0 can block millions of ads, all running from your Raspberry Pi. Just plug it into your router, set an IP address, run the script, and you are in business!

A New Pi-hole On The (Event) Horizion

I have been working to improve the Pi-hole’s performance and and also make it easier to add additional sources you may want to pull domains from. Eventually, I would like the Pi-hole to block tracking domains, analytics, and malware domains, too. The new version of the script will make this much easier.